
Goodman, Hilary and Waddington, Catriona, Financing Health Care, (Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1993), Index, pp. 80 (paperback ISBN 0-85598-187-3) Intended for managers, health workers and those involved with non-government health programs, this work No. 8 in the “Oxfam Practical Health Guide” series suggests options and poses questions to help readers think through their individual situations. Examples from many parts of the world.

Lankester, Ted, Setting Up Community Health Programmes: a practical manual for use in developing countries, ( London: Macmillan, 1992), Illustrations, index, pp. 304 ( paperback, ISBN 0-333-57423-0) Illustrated in a “Where there is no doctor” style, this step-by-step manual covers many aspects of developing a community health program with cultural sensitivity and plenty of community input. It contains very practical advice on such topics as “Community Survey, Diagnosis and Plan,” “Managing Personnel, Supplies and Finance,” cooperating with other agencies and AIDS prevention and control.

Manteno, J., Schluter, P. and others, Guidelines for the Management of Hospital Outpatient Services, ( Kenya: Ministry of Health/AMREF, 1982; rpt. 1987), Illustrations, pp. 237 ( Paperback, no ISBN, may be available through African Medical and Research Foundation, PO Box 30125, Nairobi, Kenya or Division of Family Health/GTZ, Ministry of Public Health, PO Box 41607, Nairobi, Kenya) Addressed to “you,” the newly appointed medical or clinical officer of a hospital, this very candid and charmingly, yet realistically illustrated volume helps problem-solve everything from poor patient flow and furniture arrangement to unrealistic prescribing and inefficient drug dispensing. Though the case studies all come from Kenya, the folksy human approach is applicable anywhere.

Pearson, C. Andrew, Medical Administration for Front-Line Doctors, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, UK; FSG Communications Ltd. 1995) Illustrations, index, pp. 290 ( paperback ISBN 1 871188 03 20) This “practical guide to the management of district-level hospitals in the public service or in the private sector” is jam-packed with extensive technical advice on handling money, personnel, medical records, improving and extending hospital buildings, and outreach program. The British Medical Journal said
“The book’s every word speaks of years of on the job experience and of lessons bitterly learned under a blazing sun or in torrential rain.”

Appropriate Technology

Darrow, Ken and Saxenian, Mike, Appropriate Technology Sourcebook: A guide to practical books for village and small community technology, (Stanford, CA: Volunteers in Asia, 1993), Illustrations, index, pp. 785 (paperback ISBN 0-917704-17-7; hardback ISBN 0-917704-18-5). Over 50,000 copies of previous editions of this truly remarkable work have been used in more than 130 countries to find a wide range of published technical information that can be used by individuals and small groups. In this revised and expanded version, 1150 publications from international and US sources are reviewed, covering water supply systems, renewable energy devices, agricultural tools, intensive gardening, small industries, as well as health care, disaster preparedness and relief. While many of the publications described are out of print, the Sourcebook serves as the index for the Appropriate Technologies Microfiche library, which contains the complete text of nearly 1000 books. The Sourcebook and library (CR-ROM or microfiche) are available at very reasonable rates, especially to those working in developing countries. Order from Village Earth--The Consortium for Sustainable Village-based Development, 1-800-648-8043; more info at (click on AT Library).

Platt, Adam and Carter, Nicola Making Health Care Equipment: Ideas for local design and production (Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 1990) 80 pp. Illustrated paperback ISBN 1 85339 067 4. This book represents a revision of an earlier text How to Make Hospital Equipment but is expanded with contributions from many sources. Line drawings and photos illustrate designs for self manufactured hospital furniture, wheelchairs, carts, physiotherapy, orthopedic, lab, maternity and infant care equipment.

Catalogues / Organizations

Directory of U.S. International Health Organizations. Biannual moving toward annual directory . Contact and organizational profile information on about 350 international health organizations. Useful cross index according to country and 24 activity areas including communicable diseases, disaster relief, medical supplies, and primary health care. Global Health Council, 1701 K Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, D.C. 20006-1503. (202) 833-5900

InterAction Member Profiles is a biannual directory of the over 157 private voluntary organizations (PVOs) as well as the unique qualities and distinctions of each individual member organization. Some InterAction PVOs are secular organizations; others represent more than a dozen religious groups. Each member organization profiled features complete contact information, personnel, objectives, program outlines, countries served, financial statements, publications, etc. Next scheduled issue: April, 1999. Inter Action, American Council for Voluntary International Action, 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 667-8227

U.S. PVO Executive Contact List/U.S. Private and Voluntary Organizations Registered with USAID (Annual Report) Simple directory of about 450 PVO addresses, chief officers, addresses, telephone, fax, e-mail and % privateness. Largely non-medical. Useful cross references by state and by such areas of interest as “Health,” “Nutrition,” “Refugee Services,” “Women in Development.” Available by calling 202-712-4810, or available on line (click on “Humanitarian Response” at left, then on PVO Registry).

Voluntary Foreign Aid Programs ( Report of American Voluntary Agencies Engaged in Overseas Relief and Development Registered with the U.S. Agency for International Development This annual report summarizes PVO activities including their geographic, sectoral focus and their finances. It includes executives contacts, fax numbers and e-mail addresses, mission statements. USAID - US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. 202-712-4810. (


Dickinson, Murray, Where There Is No Dentist (Palo Alto: Hesperian Foundation, 1987), Index, illustrations, pp. 208. (paperback, ISBN 0-942364-05-48). This innovative, well-illustrated book provides detailed information on the use of dental equipment, placing fillings and dental extractions. Dental and nutritional education techniques are also emphasized.

Halestrap, David J., La santé des dents: notions de soins dentaires élémentaires ( Zaire: Bureau d’Études et de Recherches our la Promotion de la Santé, n.d.) Illustrations, pp. 59. French translation by P. Duprez of an earlier edition of Halestrap’s work described below with some different illustrations. Useful teaching tool for French-speaking assistants.

Halestrap, David J., Simple Dental Care for Rural Hospitals, 4th ed. (London: Medical Missionary Association, 1981) Illustrations, pp. 28 (paperback, ISBN 0 9506100 0 0; TALC) Written by a British dentist with extensive experience in small African clinics, this very simple booklet is intended for the medical auxiliary worker whose job it is to treat dental patients. Though written for those whom English is not their native language, this work might be handy for anyone new to dental responsibilities. French edition available from the Medical Missionary Association, 244 Camden Road, London NW1 9HE

Dermatology/Photo Atlases

Ansary, M.A. and others, A Colour Atlas of AIDS in the Tropics (Ipswich: Wolfe, 1989), Index, illustrations, pp. 126 (ISBN 0-7234-1567-6). Comparatively short on text and long on illustrations, this visually oriented work helps clinicians recognize HIV-related pathology and differentiate them from other conditions common in the tropics. This atlas of diagnostic color photographs also shows the differences in presentation and disease progression from the Northern hemisphere.

Canizares, Orlando, A Manual of Dermatology for Developing Countries, 2nd. ed. (Oxford, Oxford University, 1993), Index, Illustrations, pp. 370 (ISBN 0-19-262293-5). This practical text is intended for the physician with little or no access to sophisticated diagnostic procedures and costly therapeutic agents. It strikes a balance between the management of very common infectious diseases and the rarer genetic, degenerative or malignant processes that affect the skin. The manual has been updated to cover the dermatological consequences of AIDS. Key point summaries and maps in the margin make the work accessible to students and health workers. Also available in paperback.

Schaller, K.F., ed., Colour Atlas of Tropical Dermatology and Venerology (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994), Index, 601 Color Photographs, pp. 305. (ISBN 0-387-53327-3). The text of this very practical atlas provides succinct descriptions of clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis and management of skin disorders of the tropics and subtropics. A special feature of this work is the range of photographs showing the same diseases in patients of different ethnic groups and skin colors. In addition to the English name of each condition, the Spanish, German, French, Latin and local names (as far as they are known) are given.


Dorsch, Jerry A. and Dorsch, Susan E., Understanding Anesthesia Equipment: Construction, Care and Complications, 3rd ed. (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1994), Index, illustrations, pp. 797. (ISBN 0-683-02616-8). In this comprehensive volume, the authors discuss the equipment about which the least information is readily available as well as the latest innovations. The text is primarily intended for anesthesia residents and CRNAs, but anyone responsible for maintenance and repair of anesthesia equipment should find it invaluable. “While new equipment seems unduly complex, with proper understanding it can be very user-friendly.”

Pinel, Jacques, ed. and others, Essential Drugs: Practical Guidelines (Paris: Hatier, 1993).Index, pp. 288 (ISBN 2-218-02651-1). This guide, a translation of one of the Médecins Sans Frontières series, covers the use and management of drugs and medical supplies in dispensaries, health centers and refugee camps. Part One has chapters on oral drugs, injectable drugs, infusion solutions and electrolytes, vaccines and sera and drugs for external use and disinfectants; one page is devoted to each drug and is written in terms laymen can understand. Part Two covers topics like the organization and management of a pharmacy, prescriptions, costs and compliance.

World Health Organization, Maintenance and Repair of Laboratory, Diagnostic, Imaging, and Hospital Equipment (Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988). Index, Illustrations, pp. 159. (ISBN 92-4-154463-5).This well-illustrated manual provides practical guidance on the maintenance and repair of a wide range of basic laboratory and diagnostic equipment (from centrifuges to microscopes) as well as anesthetic machines, operating room equipment, ultrasound and x-ray equipment. It outlines the precautions needed in day-to-day operation and the most common problems likely to be encountered.


Cheesbrough, Monica, Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries (Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985), Index, illustrations. Volume 1 (pp. 605 / ISBN 0-9507434 1 9) 2nd. ed. This, the first of a three-volume series intended to promote the growth of reliable indigenous laboratory services, covers parasitology, clinical chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and lab equipment. Extremely comprehensive, yet written in an easy-to-follow style. Volume 2 ( pp. 479/ ISBN 0-9507 434 2 9) focuses on microbiology. In 1990, Cheesbrough published an HIV Supplement to this volume. Volume 3 discusses Hematology and Blood Transfusion.


King, Felicity Savage and Burgess, Ann, Nutrition for Developing Countries, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University, 1993), Index, illustrations, pp. 462. (ISBN 0-19-262233-1). This work is both an easy-to-access textbook of nutrition with classroom exercises as well as a very practical, detailed guide for nutrition workers. An abundance of black-and-white illustrations make the volume useful for engaging the interest of those unable to read. Further educational devices include story-telling formats. For example, the chapter on “Undernutrition in Women” contrasts the stories of Mari and of Lila and how their differing diets affected their health and the health of their offspring.


Burns, A. August et al, Where Women Have No Doctor: A health guide for women. (See under Women’s Health)

Klein, Susan, A Book for Midwives: A manual for traditional birth attendants and community midwives (Palo Alto: Hesperian Foundation, 1995), Index, 100’s of black-and-white drawings, glossary, pp. 521. (ISBN 0-942364-22-8). This extremely down-to-earth paperback was produced by the same people who publish Where There Is No Doctor. It is aimed at caregivers like traditional midwives and community health workers, providing them with information and teaching tools to help more women have safer births and healthier babies. It is organized in a “What to do if....” format. Apprentice midwives can study this book; practicing midwives can take it along when they work with pregnant women. Illustrations are culturally appropriate.


Schwab, Larry, Eye Care in Developing Nations, 2nd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University, 1990), Index, illustrations, pp. 204 (paperback, ISBN 0-19-261930-6). Intended as a reference and text for the study of eye care and blindness prevention, this excellent work emphasizes inexpensive methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It is aimed at general physicians in remote parts of the world who must get along with limited supplies and the simplest equipment (e.g. “kitchen spoon used as a lid plate”).


Barnes, P.M., Singh, Harjit, and Stephens A.J.H., A Textbook of Paediatrics in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics (Macmillan Education, London, 1990) 282 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-51590-0. Hardcover ISBN 0-333-53605-3. A practical text based largely on the authors’ experiences in Africa and the Middle East. Written from a British perspective.

Bergström, Staffan; Höjer, Bengt; Liljestrand, Jerker; and Tunell, Ragnar, Perinatal Health Care with Limited Resources (Macmillan Education, London, 1994) 186 pp. Illustrated (paperback., ISBN 0-333-59594-7. This practical text is written in plain language and illustrated with line drawings. It covers antenatal care, normal delivery care, normal baby care and breast feeding as well as complications.

Committee on Infectious Diseases/ American Academy of Pediatrics, 1997 Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 24th ed., eds., Peter, Georges and others (Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1997), Index, pp. 687 ISBN 0-910761-48-5). The AAP’s Committee provides “current, relevant, and defensible recommendations for the prevention and management of infectious diseases in children.” The book begins with a handy summary of major changes in recommendations.

Coovadia, H.M. and Loening, W.E.K., eds., Paediatrics and Child Health: a Handbook for Health Professionals in the Third World, 2nd. ed (Oxford: Oxford, 1988) Index, illustrations, pp. 526 (paperback, ISBN 0-19-570445-2) This straightforward and comprehensive textbook was written by doctors working in southern Africa; this volume would be particularly useful for those working there, but the examples may lack scope for those working in other parts of the world.

Dean, Pauline and Ebrahim, G.J.. Practical Care of Sick Children: A manual for use in small tropical hospitals (Macmillan Education, London, 1986) 348 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-42347-X. A practical British text written by a missionary Sister and an academic Professor, this text provides practical advice on a wide range of topics concerning the care of sick children in developing countries.

Ebrahim, G. J. , Paediatric Practice in Developing Countries, 2nd ed. (Macmillan Education, London, 1993) 345 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-57347-1. An excellent practical British text written by an expert in the field. Sections cover relevant social and cultural material, nutrition, and a variety of clinical topics.

Hendrickse, R.G., Barr, D.G.D & Matthews, T.S. ,eds., Paediatrics in the Tropics (Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, 1991), Index, illustrations, pp. 988. (ISBN 0-632-02675-8).This sizable hardcover is written from a British perspective (virtually all useful addresses of organizations, for example, are in London). Intended as a principal reference work in the field, it reflects the editors’ experience in Africa. The thirty-two chapters cover a broad range of clinical topics.

King, Maurice, King, Felicity and Martodipoero, Soebagio, Primary Child Care (Oxford: Oxford University, 1978), Illustrations, Book One, pp. 315 ( ISBN 0-19-264229-4); Book Two , pp. 194(ISBN 0-19-264230-8). Book One is a very practical manual on child healthcare in the third world, written in as simple English as possible. There is heavy reliance on black-and-white illustrations. Most of the second volume is taken up by multiple choice tests verifying how much was learned from the study of the first book. Much like “Where There is No Doctor,” the texts seem applicable both for training health assistants and as aids to doctors and nurses working in unfamiliar conditions.

Mandalakas, Anna, Torjesen, Kristine and Olness, Karen, eds. Helping the Children: A Practical Handbook for Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (Kenyon, MN: Health Frontiers, 1999), pp. 134
Though authored by three doctors, this very readable field manual is written so as to be accessible by volunteers in refugees camps and other disasters sites who may not have much medical expertise. The short, very accessible chapters invite readers to provide for their young charges in an developmentally and nurturing manner. Chapter topics include Child Health Assessments, Obstetrics and Newborn Resuscitation and Priorities for Women. May be purchased only through through Johnson & Johnson. www. or tollfree 877-565-5465.

Ressler, Everett M., Boothby, Neil and Steinbock, Daniel J., Unaccompanied Children: Care and Protection in Wars, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Movements (Oxford: Oxford, 1988) Index, pp. 421 ( paperback, ISBN 0-19-504937-3). Not a medical text, but a sociological survey, this study summarizes the laws and international agreements that currently bear on displaced children and offers a comprehensive set of recommendations for the international treatment of children in crisis.

UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children (Updated Annually)(Oxford: Oxford, annually) Illustrations, pp. varies (paperback, 1996 ed. 50th anniversary report ISBN 0-19-262747-3) Annual progress report with “snapshot” articles focusing on different health problems or parts of the world. Invaluable statistical studies on life expectancy, contraception, access to safe water, health services etc. for every developing nation. Editions can be viewed on UNICEF’s website (

Werner, David, Disabled Village Children: A Guide for Community Health Workers, Rehabilitation Workers and Families (Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, 1987; 2nd edition 1996) Index, over 4,000 b/w drawings, 200 photos, glossary, pp. 655 (ISBN 0-942364-06-6). Written with the help of disabled persons and pioneers in rehabilitation in many countries, this book contains a wealth of clear, simple, but detailed suggestions concerning pediatric disabilities, including blindness, deafness, fits, behavior problems and developmental delay. It gives suggestions for low-cost aids and ways to help disabled children find a role and be accepted in their communities. The illustrations and ideas are especially geared toward rural third world areas.

Relief/Development/Public Health

Chin, James, ed. Control of Communicable Disease Manual, 17th ed. (Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 2000), Index, pp. 624 (paperback, ISBN 0-87553-242-X) The millennium edition of this widely distributed handbook has been dubbed “the standard-bearer for public health professionals in managging communicable diseases.” Each entry in this aphabetically organized work lucidly lays out disease name/ numeric code according to WHO system, identification, infectious agents, occurrence, reservoir, mode of transmission, incubation, period of communicability, susceptibility and resistance and methods of control.

Desjarlais, Robert and others, World Mental Health: Problems and Priorities in Low-Income Countries (Oxford: Oxford University, 1995), Index, Charts/tables, pp. 382.(ISBN 0-19-509540-5). This book is the result of several years of collaboration between experts from more than 19 countries and researchers in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard University. The authors examine key findings on mental illness and mental health services; suicide; substance abuse; the mental health of women, children and the elderly; violence; dislocation; and health-related behavior in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. Numerous case studies make the theory more readable.

Green, Andrew, An Introduction to Health Planning in Developing Countries (Oxford: Oxford University, 1992), Index, pp. 351. (ISBN 0-19-262161-0) .Within the context of a primary health care approach, this introductory text emphasizes the many factors that impinge on health, the different non-governmental agencies involved in health activities and the need for participation in planning by communities. The need for combining planning techniques and political analysis is stressed, as is the importance of planning by a wide variety of health professionals and specialist health planners.

Lankinen, Kari S.; Bergström, Staffan; Mäkelä; P. Helena; and Peltomaa, Miikka Health and Disease in Developing Countries, (Macmillan Education, London, 1994) 586 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-58900-9. This excellent text provides both clinical advice and a broad survey of the health problems confronting people in developing countries and the strategies employed to overcome disease.

Lucas, Adetokunbo. O. and Gilles, Herbert M., A New Short Textbook of Preventive Medicine for the Tropics, 3rd ed. (London: Edward Arnold, 1990), Index, illustrations, pp. 322. (ISBN 0-340-53591-1).The planning and implementation of health control measures in the tropics require an understanding of the epidemiology of disease in a tropical environment; the appropriate use of health statistics; and the organization to target health resources to those most in need. This revised version includes a large number of illustrations to show geographical distribution and lifecycles of tropical diseases. It is suitable both as an undergraduate text and as a quick reference for health professionals practicing in the tropics.

Pratt, Brian and Boyden, Jo, The Field Directors’ Handbook: An Oxfam Manual for Development Workers, 4th ed.(Oxford: Oxford University, 1988), Illustrations, pp. 512. (ISBN 0-19-920-53-6 cased; 0-85598-073-7 paper). Designed as a set of guidelines for Oxfam’s field staff this book is an excellent relief and development resource. Based on Oxfam’s extensive worldwide experience, practical advice is presented in eight parts: Introduction, Priority Groups, Field Methodologies, Social Development Guidelines, Economic Development Guidelines, Agriculture, Health, and Disaster Guidelines.

Stockman, Douglas Community Assessment: Guidelines for Developing Countries (Intermediate Technology Publications, London, 1994) 149 pp. Illustrated paperback (ISBN 1 85339 224 3). A straightforward, introductory text designed to help the reader identify the causes of ill health in the community. Topics include basic demographics, water, food, sanitation, community resources, health and rapid epidemiologic assessments.

Ulijaszek, Stanley J., ed., Health Intervention in Less Developed Nations (Oxford: Oxford University, 1995), Index, pp. 140. (ISBN 0-19-852302-5). This, the seventh volume in Oxford’s Biosocial Society series, has four main chapters, each with its own extensive bibliography: the Problem of Recurrent Cost in International Aid: Nutritional Intervention; International Water Decade; Development, Modernization and Health Intervention. This text is mostly for those interested in health policy.

Williams, Cicely D., Baumslag, Naomi and Jelliffe, Derrick B., Mother and Child Health: Delivering the Services, 3rd ed., (Oxford: Oxford University, 1994). Index, illustrations, pp. 392. (ISBN 0-19-508149-8). A wealth of photos and judicious use of literary references supplement and humanize statistical studies. Many of the studies and examples cited in this book are classic pioneering efforts, which are only now being recognized and replicated in many countries with local adaptation.


Mandalakas, Anna, Torjesen, Kristine and Olness, Karen, eds. Helping the Children: A Practical Handbook for Complex Humanitarian Emergencies ( See Under Pedatrics)

Mears, Catherine and Chowdhury, Sue, Health Care for Refugees and Displaced People (Oxfam Practical Health Guide No. 9)(Oxford: Oxfam, 1994), Index, illustrations, pp. 116. (ISBN 0-85598-225-X). Intended as a reference tool for health workers with limited or no experience in emergency situations, this short, practical introduction to health care in relief and refugee programs covers the assessment of health-risk factors through a check-list of questions and outline format. Instead of covering immediate medical and surgical care, it focuses instead on sanitation, immunization. etc. Geared primarily toward life in a refugee camp, there are sections on special needs of long-term refugees and on monitoring and evaluation. Detailed information on nutrition, protocols and other aspects of health care is given in the appendices.

Security/Living Abroad/Culture

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Martin Wolfe, ed., Health Hints for the Tropics (Northbrook, IL: ASTMH, 1998), pp. 50. A general guide to staying healthy through the knowledge and application of clinical principles, preventive sanitation and common sense. Tel: (847) 480-9592.


Bewes, Peter, Surgery: A manual for rural health workers (Nairobi: AMREF, 1987) , Index, illustrations, pp. 359 ( paperback, no ISBN, African Medical and Research Foundation, P.O. Box 30125, Nairobi, Kenya) This easy-to-read manual is not intended to encourage rural health workers to perform elementary surgery on their own, but might be better suited for those who would assist a surgeon working in a developing nation. It does, however, clearly show “ what should and should not be attempted in a health centre.”

Cook, John, Sankaran, Balu and Wasunna, Ambrose E.O, eds., General Surgery at the District Hospital (Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988), Index, Illustrations, pp. 231.(ISBN 92-4-154235-7). One of three handbooks published by WHO for the guidance of doctors providing surgical and anesthetic services in small hospitals subject to constraints on personnel, equipment, drugs and access to specialized services. The book outlines surgical procedures for the face and neck, chest, abdomen, GI tract and urogenital system. Pediatrics is treated in a special section. Numerous superb illustrations clarify procedures for those who have had little formal surgical training.

Cook, John, Sankaran, Balu and Wasunna, Ambrose E.O eds. Surgery at the District Hospital: Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1991) Index, Illustrations, pp. 207. (ISBN 92-4-154413-9). The first section on ob/gyn procedures deals with treatment of the major complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The second section covers both basic orthopedic techniques and management of specific fractures, dislocations and other injuries including burns. Numerous superb illustrations clarify procedures.

Dobson, Michael B., Anaesthesia at the District Hospital (Geneva: World Health Organization, 1988) Index, illustrations, pp. 143. (ISBN 92-4-154228 -4). One of three handbooks published by WHO for the guidance of doctors providing surgical and anesthetic services in small hospitals subject to constraints on personnel, equipment, drugs and access to specialized services. This book covers the immediate and continuing care of critically ill, unconscious or anesthetized patients and principles of fluid and electrolyte therapy. Special attention is given to pediatric and obstetric anesthesia. The wealth of illustrations is intended to help the medical officer in a small hospital, finding him/herself responsible for providing anesthesia for both elective and emergency surgery.

King, Maurice, ed, Primary Anesthesia ( Oxford: Oxford, 1986) Index, illustrations, pp. 169 (paperback, ISBN 0 19 269051 5). This manual of anesthetic methods is intended for non-specialists working in developing countries or in emergency situations. Many methods of local and regional anesthesia, intubation and the use of relaxants are discussed. Directions on improvising equipment like vaporizers and “making your own intravenous fluids” included.

King, Maurice; Bewes, Peter; Cairns, James; and Thornton, Jim, eds., Primary Surgery, Volume One, Non-Trauma (Oxford: Oxford, 1990; corrected, 1993) Index, illustrations, pp. 642 (paperback “low-priced edition” ISBN 0-19-261694-3). Designed for doctors working in developing countries, this impressive volume clearly illustrates methods on procedures from conventional problems like Cesarean section and the resection of dead gut to tackling tropical diseases like leprosy and elephantiasis. Geared toward the generalist who has never performed any of these procedures before.

King, Maurice and Bewes, Peter eds., Primary Surgery, Volume Two, Trauma (Oxford: Oxford, 1987; corrected, 1993) Index, illustrations, pp. 389 (paperback “low-priced edition” ISBN 0-19-261598-X). This complete and detailed system of trauma methods is geared toward the non-specialist physician confronted with having to do an amputation or emergency eye surgery for the very first time. Special sections on treating fractures and burns.

Rigal, Jean, ed. Minor Surgical Procedures in Remote Areas (Paris: Médecins Sans Frontières, 1989) Index, illustrations, pp. 173, (ISBN 2-218-021663-3). This outline/cookbook format handbook uses very simple illustrations and text to distill Médecins Sans Frontières’ experience in the “most frequent and useful minor surgical procedures practiced by doctors and nurses in remote areas with poor sanitation and no surgical or radiographic equipment.” Intended for use in rural hospitals, dispensaries and refugee camps, this book has appendices which list supplies, equipment, and disinfection and sterilization techniques. Durable, waterproof cover. Dimensions 6” x 8.5”.

Training Health Workers

Byre, Monaco and Beneath, F. J. , Community Nursing in Developing Countries; A Manual for the Community Nurse, 2nd ed. ( Oxford: Oxford University, 1986). Index, Illustrations, pp. 251 (ISBN 0-19-261453). Drawing from their own experience in Uganda, the authors dedicate the first half of the book to community nursing including home management. Then follow chapters on communicable diseases and methods for control as well as health education, community psychiatry and social welfare. Technical language is avoided as much as possible.

Frankel, Stephen, ed., The Community Health Worker: Effective Programs for Developing Countries (Oxford: Oxford University, 1992), Index., pp. 291 ( ISBN 0 19 261761 3 (paperback): ISBN 0 19 262236 6 (hardcover)) This fine text reviews the current state of CHW programs throughout the world. It provides insight into the reasons for success and failure of programs. A variety of authors review programs underway in Indonesia, China, Nepal, India, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua and Honduras. It provides extensive references on the subject of CHWs. With its case studies and analytical overview, this text is recommended for those charged with planning a CHW program.

Klein, Susan, A Book for Midwives: A Manual for Traditional Birth Attendants and Community Midwives (Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, 1995), Index, 100’s of black-and-white drawings, glossary, pp. 521. (ISBN 0-942364-22-8). This extremely down-to-earth paperback was produced by the same people who publish Where There Is No Doctor. It is aimed at caregivers like traditional midwives and community health workers, providing them with information and teaching tools to help more women have safer births and healthier babies. It is organized in a “What to do if....” format. Apprentice midwives can study this book; practicing midwives can take it along when they work with pregnant women. Illustrations are culturally appropriate.

Werner, David and Bower, Bill, Helping Health Workers Learn (Hesperian Foundation, Berkeley, CA, 1982), Index, illustrations, pp. 632 (ISBN 0-942364-10-4). Written and illustrated by the author of Where There Is No Doctor, this collection of methods, aids and “triggers of the imagination” (including scripts for village theater, instructions for drawing educational cartoons) is geared toward village instructors who themselves may have little formal education. Hundreds of drawings and photos, based on the author’s sixteen years of experience with a village-run health program in the mountains of Mexico, make the health education basics very easy to understand and convey.

World Health Organization, The Community Health Worker (Geneva, World Health Organization, 1990), Illustrations, pp. 486. (ISBN 92 4 156097 5) This simply written, but excellent text is divided into three parts: 1) A working guide with practical, basic curriculum for the CHW. 2) Guidelines for training CHWs and 3) Advice on adapting this teaching program to local conditions. The book was issued in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian. It is available locally in many developing countries or from the WHO. The latest revised version features larger print, better layout and illustrations to aid in the education of CHWs and their community members.

Tropical Medicine

Berkow, Robert, and others, eds., The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 16th ed. (Rahway, NJ: Merck, 1992), Index, pp. 2844 (ISBN 0911910-16-6). “The most widely used medical text in the world,” this work gives a comprehensive overview of medicine, except for details of surgical procedures. The latest revision includes sections on HIV and cross-cultural issues. Its low cost and compact size are major advantages.

Chin, James, ed. Control of Communicable Disease Manual ( See Under Public Health Above)

Cook, Gordon C., ed., Manson’s Tropical Diseases, 20th ed.(London: WB Saunders, 1996), Index, illustrations, pp. 1779.( ISBN 0-7020-1764-7). The twentieth edition represents an overhaul of former editions stemming from Sir Patrick Manson’s classic 1898 text. This “bible of tropical medicine” was written by British doctors with significant input from tropical countries.

Desenclos, J.C. ed. and others, Clinical Guidelines: Diagnostic and Treatment Manual, 3rd ed.( Paris: Médecins Sans Frontières, 1994) Index, illustrations, pp. 320 (ISBN 2-218-03480-0). Translated from the French, this clinical manual is part of the highly regarded Médecins Sans Frontières series. It covers the curative and to a lesser extent the preventative aspects of the main conditions encountered in the field. After a brief section on health care organization, the manual covers respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases; skin and eye conditions, parasitic diseases; bacterial and viral infections. Durable, waterproof cover.

Lankinen, Kari S.; Bergström, Staffan; Mäkelä; P. Helena; and Peltomaa, Miikka, Health and Disease in Developing Countries, (Macmillan Education, London, 1994) 586 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-58900-9. This excellent text provides both clinical advice and a broad survey of the health problems confronting people in developing countries and the strategies employed to overcome disease.

Mahmoud, Adel A.F., Tropical and Geographical Medicine Companion Handbook (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993), Index, pp. 468 (ISBN 0-07-039625-6). This pocket-sized handbook provides a quick source of information on the major tropical and geographical diseases, using core information drawn from the parent volume Warren/Mahmoud Tropical and Geographical Medicine (1990), supplemented by more recent references. Written by Case Western faculty who did not contribute to parent text, this portable book emphasizes clinical, diagnostic and management approaches.

Schull, Christopher R., Common Medical Problems in the Tropics. (Macmillan Education, London, 1987) 436 pp. Illustrated paperback. ISBN 0-333-41973-1. Based initially on the author’s experience in Papua New-Guinea, the text has been field tested and expanded to provide practical advice on the care of patients throughout the tropics.

Vanderkooi, Mary, Village Medical Manual: A Layman’s Guide to Health Care in Developing Countries (Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1994), Index, illustrations. Volume 1 Principles and Procedures (pp. 249 / ISBN 0-87808-251-4 4th. ed. Volume 2 ( aprox pp. 500/ ISBN 0-87808-252-2) This, two-volume set used for the Missionary Medicine Intensive course is written in an easy-to-follow style yet it is much more comprehensive than texts such as Where There is No Doctor or Primary Child Care.

Warren, Kenneth S. and Mahmoud, Adel A.F., Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 2nd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990), Index, illustrations, pp. 1159 (ISBN 0-07-068328-X). This hefty hardcover, authored by 153 contributors from 21 countries, is one of the major reference works on the subject. Divided into seven parts: Clinical Considerations; Genetics; Parasitism; Protozoan Diseases; Metazoan Diseases; Viral and Chlamydial Diseases; Bacterial, Spirochetal and Rickettsial Diseases; Fungal Diseases; Nutritional Diseases. Helpful appendices include Signs and Symptoms, Considerations for Travelers and Immigrants, and a Review of Diseases by Region.

Werner, David. et al . Rev ed. Where There is No Doctor (Berkeley : Hesperian Foundation, 1992), Index, illustrations, pp. 512(ISBN 0-942364-15-5). This landmark text, published in more than fifty languages has become perhaps the most widely used health manual in the world. The book is useful to a broad range of health professionals as well as to village health workers, mothers, midwives, teachers and village pharmacists and is a wonderful teaching tool because of its profuse candid and ethnically appropriate drawings. Its chapters range over subjects from health education, patient examination, the proper uses of medicines, first aid, nutrition, illness prevention, common and serious illnesses, skin problems, the eyes, family planning, health and sickness in children and older people, and the medicine kit. Excellent appendices cover the usage, dosage and precautions for medications as well as additional practical information about empowering villagers to take to be responsible for their own health..

Wolf, Catherine and Palmer, Dennis, Handbook of Medicine in Developing Countries ( Bristol, TN: Paul Tournier Institute, 1999), Index, pp. 289 ( ISBN 0 9666809-1-X) Spiral-bound manual consists of tables and outlines rather than formal text for maximum quick readability and handy diagnostic reference. Charts and appendices give instant access to such information as drugs of choice for a wide range of tropical diseases. Clear, concise, well-indexed. Written by doctors with years of experience a variety of developing nations, the book also contains contact information on mission organizations and medicine and equipment agencies. Published by the Christian Medical & Dental Society.


Delmas, Gilles and Courvallet, Michel, Public Health Engineering in Emergency Situations (Paris: Médecins Sans Frontières, 1994) Illustrations, pp. 178 (hardcover, no ISBN). John Adams’ translation of the Médecins Sans Frontières French original has minor imperfections and Briticisms, but the spiral bound book features extremely helpful plans and diagrams that offer concrete technical solutions. After an introduction defining needs in terms of site planning, the book discusses water in camps of displaced people; sanitation in emergency situations; and vector control. There is an English/French/ Spanish glossary defining technical terms which appear in the guide or which are used every day in this field. Durable, waterproof cover.

Davis, Jan and Lambert, Robert, Engineering in Emergencies : A Practical Guide for Relief Workers (London: Intermediate Technologies, 1995), Index, illustrations, pp. 717 (paperback, ISBN 1-85339-222-7). This book aims to give engineers practical information on areas outside their specialty, so that they can provide emergency humanitarian aid, but offers some guidance to non-engineering relief workers. This hefty technical manual is remarkable for its inclusion of advice on personal effectiveness and interpersonal relationships. Water supply, electrical and mechanical plant, refugee camp management, etc. discussed in great detail.

Feachem, Richard G.; Bradley, David J.; Garelick, Hemda; and Mara, D. Duncan, Sanitation and Disease: Health Aspects of Excreta and Wastewater Management (Chichester : John Wiley & Sons for World Bank, 1983), Illustrations, pp. 501 (hardcover, ISBN 0 471 90094 X). This, the third volume in a series on appropriate technologies for water supply and sanitation, addresses the public health, microbiological and parasitological aspects of sanitation. Part One explores “Health Hazards of Excreta: Theory and Control.” Part Two describes 28 excreted pathogens and the epidemiology and control of the infections these pathogens cause.

Morgan, Peter, Rural Water Supplies and Sanitation (London: Macmillan, 1990), Index, illustrations, pp. 358 ( paperback, ISBN 0-333-48569-6). Part One concerns gaining access to a clean water supply through pumps, wells and simple water purification systems. Part Two deals with the construction and maintenance of the Blair Latrine and its variants. This profusely illustrated work offers a variety of technological options.

Winblad, Uno and Kilama, Wen, Sanitation Without Water , rev. ed. (London: Macmillan, 1985), Index, illustrations, pp. 161 (paperback, ISBN 0-333-39140-3). This work contains well-illustrated, practical information on how to design, build and operate better latrines -- simple health measures for those with limited resources. Interesting cultural insights into why different latrine systems are acceptable or not.

World Health Organization/ United Nations Environment Programme, Surface Water Drainage for Low-income Communities ( England: WHO, 1991), Illustrations, pp. 88 (paperback, ISBN 92 4 154416 3). This publication describes how low-income communities can take action themselves to construct low-cost drainage systems or rehabilitate one that has fallen into disrepair. Written in nontechnical language and copiously illustrated, it stresses community participation at all stages of the project.

Women’s Health

Burns, A. August et al, Where Women Have No Doctor: A health guide for women. ed. Sandy Newman ( Berkeley: Hesperian Foundation, 1997), Index, illustrations, pp. 583 ( paperback, ISBN 0-942364-25-2) Developed with community-based groups and medical experts from more than 30 countries, this work continues the tradition of Where There is No Doctor -- containing over 1000 accessible and ethnically sensitive drawings, culturally appropriate self-help medical information with an understanding of ways poverty, discrimination and cultural belief impact women’s health. It goes beyond reproduction issues, female circumcision and STDs to cover mental health, violence against women, hazardous working conditions, women with disabilities and much more. Like other works in the series, it strongly encourages villager self-empowerment.


Child Health Dialogue is a quarterly international newsletter on child health and disease prevention focusing on practical information on how to tackle the main causes of child mortality: acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, malaria, malnutrition and measles. Targeted primarily at health care workers, this accessible publication focuses on diagnosis, management, and procedures in the developing world setting. It provides information on essential drugs, and contains tips on training, research updates, a comprehensive review quiz, and letters. Subscriptions are free to readers in developing countries, but for individuals in the US, the current rate is $24 for four issues. Healthlink Worldwide (formerly AHRTAG) Farringdon Point, 29-35 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JB, United Kingdom. Telephone: 011 44 171 242 0606; fax: 011 44 171 242 0041. E-mail:

Community Eye Health This “International Journal to Promote Eye Health Worldwide” is a sixteen page color quarterly free to eye health workers in developing countries. US subscription rate is 1yr/$40 or 2 yrs/$70. An international check or bank order made payable to UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON should be sent along with a note of your name, full address and occupation (in block capitals) to the Journal of Community Eye Health, International Centre for Eye Health, Institute of Ophthalmology, 11-43 Bath Street, London EC1V 9EL. Telephone 011 44 171 608 6910; Fax 011 44 171 250 3207.

Footsteps “a quarterly paper linking health and development workers worldwide” is free of charge to “individuals working to promote health and development.” Issues provide practical advice and exchange of news and views. For example No. 33 includes step-by step advice on insecticide treated bednets, making mosquito nets and mosquito proofing homes. To be included on the mailing list, send brief details on your work and preferred language (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish) to Footsteps Mailing List, Tearfund, 100 Church Road, Teddington, TW11 8QE, UK or call 011 44 181 977 9144. Email:

Health For the Millions, published bi-monthly by the Health for the Millions Trust /Voluntary Health Association of India, an independent Indian commission on health, advocates reform in the public health system of India. Though issues of the periodical may be devoted to topics like “diabetes” or “AIDS,” the non-technical, hortatory style shows that the publication is aimed at an audience much broader than just the medical community. Each issue contains relevant summaries of UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO reports. Write Health for the Millions Trust. c/o VHAI Tong Swasthya Bhawan, 40, Institutional Area (Behind Qutab Hotel) New Delhi - 110 019 Annual subscription $30/ Life Subscription $300 Fax 011-6853708 e-mail

Tropical Doctor, published quarterly the Royal Society of Medicine, focuses on the prevention, management and treatment of prevalent diseases in developing countries and endeavors to present a picture of the problems of health and disease in these countries as a step toward lessening the sense of isolation felt by those working far from advanced medical centers. Through its short, practical articles and case studies, the journal functions as a “continuing postgraduate course in the practice of medicine in tropical countries.” Tropical Doctor Subscription Department, Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8AE, United Kingdom (Telephone: 011 44 171-290 2928) Surface mail North American annual subscription rate: US $85; add $15 for airmail.

Tropical Update This free quarterly newsletter provides extremely brief abstracts of medical articles relevant to the practice of tropical medicine. Department of Tropical Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland, Telephone +353-1 402 2186; Fax: +353-1 402 2462.

Update in Anaesthesia This “journal for anaesthetists in developing countries” is co-produced by World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists and by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Correspondence to: Dr. I H Wilson, Anaesthetics Dept., Royal Devon & Exeter Healthcare NHS Trust, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK.

This Page Last Updated 1/10/2000