Guides to Voluntary International Service 

 The following guides contain many international service opportunities for people at all stages of their careers from  high school and college students to retirees. These guides list opportunities for service in a wide range of fields including health.

Alternatives to the Peace Corps: A Directory of Third World & US Volunteer Opportunities, (1998)  Food First Books, Institute for Food and Development Policy, 398 60th Street Oakland, CA 94618    Tel: (510) 654-4400  (800) 888-3314

Are You Ready to Volunteer?, Transitions Abroad, PO Box 344. Amherst, MA 01004.

CONNECTIONS: A Directory of Lay Volunteer Service Opportunities 1998. St. Vincent Pallotti Center, P.O. Box 893 Cardinal Station, Washington, D.C. 20064; (202) 529-3330

DevelopNet News, Volunteers in Technical Assistance, 1815 North Lynn Street. Suite 200. Arlington. VA 22209-2079

International Directory for Youth Internships 1992. The Apex Press, 777 United Nations Plaza, Suite C3. New York. NY 10017; (212) 953-6920.

The International Directory of Volunteer Work. David Woodworth, Vacation Work, 9 Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HJ England.

Opportunities in Africa. 1995. The Africa-America Institute. 380 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10168: (212) 949-5666.

Overseas Development Network Opportunities Catalogue #19936  A Handbook for Creating Your Own Internships in International Development 1994. Overseas Development Network. 333 Valencia Street, Suite 101, San Francisco, CA 94103; (415) 431-4204.

The Peace Corps and More: 175 Ways to Work, Study and  Travel In the Third World. 1997. Global Exchange. 2017 Mission Street, Suite 303. San Francisco, CA 94110; (415) 255-7296.

The Directory of Work and Study in Developing Countries, from: Vacation Work, 9 Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HJ

Transitions Abroad, Dept. TRA. P.O. Box 3000. Denville, NJ 07834. A bimonthly publication.

Travel Programs in Central America, Interfaith Task Force on Central America P.O. Box 3843, La Mesa, CA 91944; 619- 687-7875.

U.S. Nonprofit Organizations In Development Assistance Abroad ACVAFS, 200 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003.

Volunteers For Peace International Workcamp Directory, VFP International Workcamps, P.O. Box 202, Belmont, VT 05730; (802) 259-2759.

'Volunteering in the Third World. What’s at Stake' A 1986 videotaped discussion on the politics of the Peace Corps. Overseas Development Network. 333 Valencia Street. Suite 101, San Francisco, CA 94103; (415) 431-4204.

Volunteer Work: The Complete International Guide to Medium and Long-Term Voluntary Service. Fifth edition. Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges, Seymour Mews House. Seymour Mews. London W1H 9PE; (071) 486-5101.