Table 4
The most cost effective health interventions for the developing world
($25 or less per DALY saved)

Potential intervention

Type of intervention

DPT/Polio immunization


Measles immunization


BCG immunization
(to prevent childhood TB)

Mass chemoprophylaxis

Hepatitis B immunization


Iodization of salt


Fortification of suger with vitamin A


Mass administration of anthelmintics to high risk groups


Iodine injections for pregnant women


Oral iron supplements for pregnant women


Promotion of breastfeeding

Behavior change

Smoking prevention/cessation programs


Promotion of condom use
(to prevent both excess births and STDs)


Malaria control with chemical pesticides

Environmental control

Blood donor screening for HIV in high prevalence areas

Mass screening

Treatment of measles with vitamin A


Antibiotic treatment of acute respiratory infections


Ophtalmic ointment to prevent gonococcal infection in newborns


TB chemotherapy


Leprosy chemotherapy


Cataract removal


* excluding HIV

Source: World Bank, Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 1993